I recently saw a photo of someone wearing a t-shirt that said, “Keep calm and talk about death”. Cheeky. I liked it. In many parts of North-America, death is a delicate topic. People don’t know how to talk about it. So, every once in awhile I read a book about death. Here are three of […]
Life Skills
Anger, What Is It Good For?
My kids and I have been reading a lot of Calvin and Hobbes comic books these days. My kids laugh away at all of Calvin’s silly antics and vivid imagination. They think that his club, Getting Rid of Sliming girlS (GROSS), is hilarious. As a parent I notice that Calvin is angry a lot. My kids […]
Distraction: Friend or Foe?
Someone asked me what I do when I’m overwhelmed with life. I told them that I play Candy Crush. Sweet, sweet Candy Crush. Even better, finding a place to hide in my house where I play and leave the world for a little while. For those of you unfamiliar with the game, it’s a very […]