It’s that time again to re-post about this important topic as the heat rises in family and group dynamics about political and social issues. I hope that you’ll find something helpful to get you not just through family get-togethers, but perhaps also connect more with the people that you have a difference of opinion. First: […]
Life Skills
Practical Tips To Make Your New Years’ Resolutions A Success
If you’re you the kind of person who likes to make resolutions for yourself and is determined that 2020 is your year for making those changes, then this post is for you. Today I’m going to share some of my successes and failures in changing habits and give you a few ideas to help make […]
How To Dance With Anger
Anger. This emotion is so often disregarded. We disregard another person’s anger or we disregard our own anger. We can try to do anything to avoid another person’s anger or avoid our own anger. We can try to convince ourselves that the time we yelled or treated someone horribly, that we had good reason. This […]
Overwhelmed? 3 Strategies To Filter Out the Noise
With summer coming to a close, the energy of fall will be upon us shortly. Fall is an excellent time to reflect on all the things we kept or added to our plate in 2019 and choose which items to keep, add, or let go. One of the best books I’ve read in 2019 is […]
To Meditate Or Not To Meditate: Easy Ways To Get Started Or Restarted
I have been an on again-off again meditator for years. I have always envied those individuals that have made meditation a regular habit in their lives. When I met my husband, he would meditate daily for 30-minutes to an hour every morning and evening. He would invite me to join him, but at the time […]
Polyamory Explored In 3 Books And 2 TV Shows
I remember years ago my husband told me about a well-known author who had come out as polyamorous. If you’re new to the term polyamory, one definition from trusty Google is: the philosophy or state of being in love or romantically involved with more than one person at the same time. This is a broad definition and […]