Every year when the Forsythia starts to bloom in my back yard, I breathe a sigh of relief that Spring is officially here (not that March 21 nonsense). Gorgeous yellow flowers that will warm my heart for 3-4 weeks until summer weather arrives.
Forsythia always remind of the third chakra. And every year I think about writing about that, and today is the day! Today I’m going to keep it simple for anyone wanting to learn more about their third chakra. If you’re brand new to chakras, I encourage you to start with my post – Anatomy of Energy Healing (Energy Healing 101).
The third chakra is located in your solar plexus, above your belly button and below your ribs. Each chakra opens in 2 directions – the front of your body and the back of your body.
Vibrant sunshiney yellow! It can vary in brightness and hue.
Biological Functions
The simplest way to connect the chakras to biological functions is to notice what key organs and body parts are located near that chakra. This organ is strongly connected to digestion. Organs in this area include stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, gall bladder, kidneys, adrenals and spleen (A lot of organs!). Research has shown that our nervous system is connected to this area too.
Psychological Functions
The front-facing third chakra is connected to your sense of who you are in the world. It is connected to our relationship with our personal power.Your back-facing third chakra is connected towards your intention towards your physical health.
The third chakra is associated with the sun. There is fire energy in this place. Personal power and taking steps towards your physical and emotional well-being require energy. It matches the energy of Spring and Summer, where energy starts to move again after a slowing down during Autumn and Winter. You can see this as people start to exercise more, get outside and become more social.
How To Nourish Your Third Chakra
The third chakra is associated with digestion, both physically and psychologically. Healthy eating and exercise are both helpful for this area. This does not need to be dramatic to have a positive impact on your third chakra – it is about starting to do even one thing differently in your life.
If you’re the type of person who thrives on doing – then sometimes nourishing yourself will be the action of rest or slowing down. Again – it’s not about stopping all the things you do, it’s about adding more rest or slowness into your life.
If you have stomach issues or digestive issues, reflect on areas in your life that you are having trouble digesting. Seek out help in moving this area or bringing healing to them – psychotherapy is a great way to help digest these areas in your life. There is a lot of clearing and determining what to keep in your system and what to let go that happens in the organs in this area. Sometimes (Not always) this relates to emotions too – what are you holding and what do you struggle to release?
Playing With The Third Chakra
Gentle ways to play with the third chakra and it’s energies are wearing yellow or wrapping yourself in a yellow blanket. If you like crystals, it’s choosing a yellow one that you’re drawn to. If you resonate with sound, search Youtube for chakra balancing sound baths or meditations. Add some yellow flowers to your garden, altar, or in a vase in your home. Dandelion bouquets and crowns are welcome too.
If you’re interested in diving more deeply into the anatomy of chakras, my favourite book is Anodea Judith’s Eastern Body Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self.