It’s winter here in the northern hemisphere. Energetically, Winter is a time of dormancy & rest. And living in such a mind-centric culture with so much energy churning up over the holidays, it makes me wish I lived in the southern hemisphere where winter is in July & August.
I’ve admired people who put intention into doing less over the holidays, but I also love the joy & connection & fun that this time brings amidst the stress & fatigue. So I wouldn’t change it.
If you’re seeking a little reprieve from it all, stop reading right now and go spend time in nature – I won’t be offended 🙂
Of if you’d like some inspiration, read on.
Dream Arc
Last year a friend introduced me the Gene Keys. The Gene Keys simply put is a personality chart. It uses your astrological data & the I Ching and then magically parses it out into a profile that tells you who you are, how you operate, and why you are here. If you’ve ever heard of Human Design, this is related. (If not, just ignore that bit.)
To be honest, I find the amount of information available within the Gene Keys very overwhelming. It’s very interesting – but be prepared for the mountain of information.
I decided to try out the Dream Arc course which is all about connecting to your spirit animals & guides. The course is gorgeous, but again – the amount of information & possibility it gives you is vast. It offers community, art idea, ritual ideas, and so much more.
So if you’re inspired by it all – enjoy – there are endless journeys to travel. But if you’re feeling the Winter energy like I am and need less, I’m going to offer you a simpler version.
Spend Time in Nature
If you’re looking to connect to your intuition and nature is your language (or you want it to be), here is your three point plan.
- Ask the question you would like an intuitive answer to
- Go outside in nature and ask for a sign
- Reflect on what that sign means to you
I was incredibly drawn to birds in 2024. The robins showed up as protectors in Spring time announcing themselves everywhere I went. Whenever my cat is in my yard and there are robins around, you can almost hear them shout the word “CAT, CAT”. My cat does a weird meow back at them and the robins persist until my cat either hides in the bushes or comes back inside.
Later in the summer, the Blue Jays started announcing their presence and I was gifted multiple blue jay feathers on my walks. Here’s a photo of the feathers around the Merion Superbe (which is not a Blue Jay, but looks like one to me). This French animal card deck was one of my souvenirs from my time living in Aix-en-Provence. Blue Jay feathers are gorgeous.
The meaning of these birds & feathers, I am keeping for myself, but if you’re looking for a fun way to connect to your intuition that also gets you outside, I hope you enjoy.🌳🐦