One of the top questions I’m asked by clients is, “What does a typical session combining energy healing and psychotherapy look like?” If you’ve worked with me, you’ll know this answer. If you’re curious to learn more – today is the day. I’m going to share the different ways I combine these modalities and also the multitude of benefits I’ve seen. Bringing energy healing into a session is like bringing in a little (or a lot) of magic.
To give you a general framework, I’ll start with what a counselling & energy healing session look like on their own and also what it looks like when they are combined.
A Typical Counselling Session
A counselling session involves sitting across from one another and talking about issues.
A Typical Energy Healing Session.
An energy healing session has the client laying fully clothed on a massage table. I clear, balance, & recharge their auric field with light touch on the body or with no touch at all (for clients who prefer no touch or for distance healings). I check verbally and also intuitively to determine what type of energy healing is best for the session. Before and after each session I connect to each chakra, the hara & the core star to get a general sense of what is energetically happening with the person.
A Combined Session
My simple answer to what a typical session looks like is item A below.
a) Most commonly it involves starting the session with talking and using the last 15-20 minutes to do an energy healing.
But I don’t work in a formulaic way and make a decision about how to integrate energy healing in an intentional and intuitive way with each client.
b) Sometimes that means we start with energy healing first. If you’re a person who finds it to be too intense sitting across from someone, this is a great place to start. This can also be helpful for people with more physical symptoms in their body to start with the body and then shift to the mind.
c) For others, energy healing can be done while sitting on the couch. A lot of body-based psychotherapy techniques are very energetic.
d) For many clients we focus on multiple sessions with talking and then a full session of energy healing. If you’re having a deep session while talking, we stay there for the session.
The Benefits of Combining Energy Healing & Psychotherapy
I spent years working with the traditional psychotherapy method with the sole focus on talking. One of the reasons I decided to do an in-depth 4 year training on Energy Healing with the Barbara Brennan School of Healing is that I thought conventional psychotherapy was missing something. Psychotherapy is often focused on the mind and understanding. Energy Healing allows for a more embodied approach. Our minds don’t know all the answers. In my own healing journey, I found that energy healing helped me to connect & heal the pieces that traditional psychotherapy missed for me.
Here are a few benefits I’ve experienced and/or witnessed with my clients:
- A deeper felt sense of your parts
- We all have parts of ourselves that know how to numb, dissociate, or be really self-judgmental. While I’m doing an energy healing, clients can connect to what their body feels like when one of these parts is dominating and also connect to Self/Witness (the part that is watching yourself) at the same time.
- Deepened emotional release and healing
- During an energy healing I often hold different frequencies depending on what is needed. The frequency of unconditional love or the frequency of no agenda/demands to change can be incredibly powerful and allow shifts & healing without having to “work so hard”. A client might not be able to hold those frequencies for themselves, so it can feel freeing to have someone else hold these states of being.
- Sense of peace & well-being
- Many times a person will come into a session feeling stuck and that life is heavy. After the energy healing portion, people often comment that they feel lighter, grounded or more peaceful. The issues in life carry less charge.
- Clarity
- When I connect to a person’s auric field, I get a sense of whether they are grounded, and whether there is a disconnect from their words and their energy. Sometimes new information comes to light that brings clarity to the presenting concerns. We could’ve tried muscling that mind into “figuring things out” but the answers may never have shown up there. Sometimes clients connect to a quiet intuition that has gone unsaid because it “doesn’t make sense”.
- Grounding
- If you’re a person who dissociates/not really in your body, grounding can feel unsafe and overwhelming. As a client does the deeper work around this part and is met with the energy frequency of acceptance and curiosity, clients often naturally start to connect to the part of themselves that can ground.
- If you’re a person who has life events that cause you to lose your grounding, then an energy healing can often help you reconnect to the earth. This can lead to #2 & 3.
- Spiritual guides & Intuition
- Many people connect to spiritual guides, passed loved ones or have a strong intuitive side. Many times during an energy healing session, the mystical & unknown bring something to the table. If you connect to this part of you – then this is a great place to say it out loud. I continue to be awed by peoples intuition and also the unknown.
I love the clarity & understanding that psychotherapy can bring and at the same time I love the effortlessness & magic that energy healing mingles into the deep work people do to heal and transform old patterns. Many people find themselves a bit baffled sometimes that an old life-long pattern has lost it’s charge. Triggers can melt away or become less charged.
If there’s any benefits you think I’ve missed, let me know 🙂