Every August & September my garden brings in beautiful flowers full of white and shades of rose/violet. Often the colours of violet/white are associated with the seventh chakra. These flowers below are maybe a little more rose coloured, but the lightness of the pink/purple mixed with the white still remind me of the crown chakra.
The bees love to spend time in these Sedum, and I love how these flowers continue to bloom into September.
Today I’m go share all about the Seventh Chakra. If you’re brand new to chakras, I encourage you to start with my post – Anatomy of Energy Healing (Energy Healing 101).
The seventh chakra is connected to the crown of your head with the energy flow going up and down into your body. Experiences of this location vary to just above the head to within the head itself.
Can be white or violet or shades in-between. The very first photo in this post is a Clematis and shows beautiful shades of both.
Biological Functions
The simplest way to connect the chakras to biological functions is to notice what key organs and/or body parts are located near that chakra. This chakra connects into your brain and there are so many noteworthy places there! The pineal gland (connected to sleep & circadian rhythm), pituitary gland (production of hormones) & hypothamalus (creating homeostasis/balance within bodily systems) are just 3 of them. Our brain and these specific parts also do so much more!
Psychological Functions
The crown chakra is related to wholeness, spirituality, and connection to every aspect of this world and universe around us. Psychic & spiritual gifts can be related to the opening of this chakra. I find that an open seventh chakra allows us to receive support from beyond ourselves. It also allows us to connect to our life force and clear old energy when we allow energy to flow from our crown and into our body.
When I connect to mine I feel the vastness of space and the universe around me.
How To Nourish Your Crown Chakra
The seventh chakra is associated with spirituality & connectedness to all things. Here’s a few ways to nourish your crown chakra
- Breathwork
- Meditation
- Poetry by Rumi, spiritual books & retreats.
- Psychotherapy! Yes, this is often related to the brain and belief systems and re-connecting to your deep inner knowing.
- Affirmations
There are so many ways to nurture your crown chakra!
Want to try something right now? As you breath in, imagine energy coming into your body from your crown. Then breath out. Repeat.
Add on #1: If you want you can also imagine breath coming into your root chakra – so visually energy is coming in from the earth and the sky at the same time.
Add on #2: When you breath out, imagine it going out of your heart.
Playing With The Crown Chakra
Gentle ways to play with the seventh chakra and it’s energies are:
- Wearing white and/or violet clothing or blankets.
- Crystals such as clear quartz, amethyst or diamonds.
- Sound: search Youtube for chakra balancing sound baths or meditations.
- Flowers: Add some Sedum, Rose of Sharon, Clematis (or flowers local to your area) to your garden, altar, or into a vase in your home.
If you’re interested in diving more deeply into the anatomy of chakras, my favourite book is Anodea Judith’s Eastern Body Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self. Another book is Cyndi Dale’s The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy.
How do you experience connection to your crown chakra?